• Curator: Moran Sulmirski Noam
  • Dates:6.7-28.7.23

Screened (I)


Daniel Nahum

Solo at Rothschild

A space for solo exhibitions created especially for members of the Edmond de Rothschild Center network.
Its purpose is to foster the creation of new projects and facilitate the production of existing works, providing curatorial support and collaborative thinking and development processes.
Every year, three solo exhibitions of network members will be selected.

Three solo exhibitions at the Edmond de Rothschild Center, Floor -1.

Participants: Yuval Naor, Daniel Nahum, and Dor Bar Shlomo
Curators: Adi Yaniv, Moran Sulmirski Noam, and Rotem Kaplan

The three artists whose works are presented in the trilogy’s three exhibitions chose to engage in an investigation and observation of the concept of “determinism” (a philosophical view according to which every event, action, decision, or human thought in the world is exclusively determined by previous events).

Second Exhibition

Daniel Nahum | “Screened (I)”

Curator: Moran Sulmirski Noam

Alone on a deserted island, I am searching for my consciousness in the space of the other, an ocean of sharp images moving around me. A screen showing my portrait in front of me. Sea sand at my feet. My eyes are open, wide open, but my gaze is not my own, it is composed of thousands of other gazes, looking for me. Time loses its meaning and the images are eternal. My consciousness is not exclusive or childlike as it had been, it has been perforated by the other.
When I think of the other, I think of the technological with which I wander from rejection and desire. But the boundary has already been crossed, the other and I have become one. This ‘one’ is the merging of the body that was mine with the technological, and our relations are conducted in a new cyborg space of consciousness. I feel my oneness with the world together with the other, without which I am not whole. There is no return. Both of us by ourselves and both of us together are an infinite one. When I think about my other, I wonder if it is more me than with all the others, would I be able to sew myself back together without it or if I am just deluding myself.
Daniel Nachum’s act of hybridization offers the viewer an uninhabited space, crossed from cultural and environmental elements human require for their survival. A harmonious environment of occurrence in which he eliminates the traditional separation between the living and physical – and the digital, offering us a new dynamic universe in which a flow between the worlds is necessary for survival in its various forms. The experience of viewing the exhibition frequently alternates between the viewer and the viewed, through symbols, images, and information, which flooding the space with a synthesis of objects from the worlds of sculpture, print, and video, turning it into a super-space with no logical sequence or order.

Lighting: Yosef Mashiach

Special Thanks : Lital Megidish, Ofek Mirzai

Inspired by the book ‘Subject – Screen’ by Yitzhak Binynimani

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