Art Program Alumni

Inon Khalfon

Inon Khalfon

Born in 1989 in Netanya, Israel.

Graduated with honors in Photography and Media from WIZO Haifa Design and Education Center (2019); Graduated in Art from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design (2022); won a Professional Development Scholarship for Artists, Edmond de Rothschild Center (2020); won an Excellence Scholarship from WIZO Haifa Academic Center for Design and Education (2018); won a B’nei Brit Northern District Scholarship (2018); won a Global WIZO Fund Scholarship for Outstanding Artists (2018).

Presented a solo exhibition, Foreigners at The Bordel Gallery in Haifa (2016); participated in group exhibitions: Check-in, Check-Out, Gallery on the Cliff, Netanya as part of the Window Gallery (2020); Essential Surfaces, Edmond de Rothschild Center, Tel Aviv (2020); Graduate Exhibition, Pyramida Center Haifa (2019).


Art Program Alumni

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