
Art Program Alumni

Yarden Tasa

Yarden Tasa

Multidisciplinary artist
Born 1994, Beko’a
B.Ed. in Design and Art, Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts (2018) | B.Design in Visual Communications Design, Holon Institute of Technology (2022) | Recipient of the America-Israel Cultural Foundation scholarship for outstanding art students | Recipient of the Liora Galimidi scholarship for outstanding graduation project
Her works combine multiple artistic disciplines including sculpture, painting, photography, video, installation and textile to form links between life and death, nature and man, center and periphery, women’s cultural position and Middle Eastern origins, connections that are also expressed in the materials used.
Contributed to a joint project with the Michal Sela Forum, which promotes and develops tools for eradicating domestic violence.

Group exhibitions:
2022 Coming Into the Light, women artists exhibition at the Artists House, Beit Shemesh
2022 End. Beginning #3, Kibbutzim College of Education Art Gallery, Tel Aviv-Yafo
2022 The Unravelled Side of the Moon, Artspace Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv-Yafo
2021 Near and Far, Artspace Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv-Yafo
2020 As If There Is Tomorrow, Amiad Center, Tel Aviv-Yafo



Art Program Alumni

Art Program Mentors